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These awards can be obtained by anyone rank 4 or higher to be eligable to recieve these awards you must have two members vouch for you at a meeting. Or be of eligable level to recieve it i.e. copper ring.
Ring of the Treasurer Find 8 different unique items and show them to a HC member as proof of your accomplishment
Copper Ring Reach Level 20 with your character
Veterans Ring Reach Level 30 with your character
Champions Ring Reach Level 40 with your character
Ring of the Hunter Rogue quest Find every unique bow,  Leave them unidentified and show them to another member of your alignment as proof
Ring of Courage Warrior Quest find the demonspikecoat, gotterdamerung, stormshield and grandfather leave them unidentified and show to a fellow warrior as proof
Ring of the hero Save the life of a fellow guild member at the risk of your own
Ring of the Mind Sorcerer Quest, Max all of your spells

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